Once you start to smoke, there is no turning back. Nicotine is one of the most addictive, harmful, and widely used class of drugs in the world. Responsible for 440,000 deaths each year, tobacco and nicotine products still sell briskly almost anywhere from corner stores, supermarkets, and liquor stores found all over the country. Since there are a variety of health problems linked to smoking, majority of the smokers actually want to get rid of their nicotine addiction. But as with any addictive habit, this is easier said than done. Most people who quit smoking experience withdrawal symptoms that makes it hard for them to quit completely.
There are certain reminders one must keep in mind when trying to quit smoking. First, try and pick a good time for quitting. Avoid quitting during the holiday season, during finals week, or right before a big presentation. Times like these gets the smoker’s stress levels high, therefore making it even more hard for them to quit. Second, the smoker may gain a small amount of weight when trying to quit, which is considered normal. Most smokers gain between five to ten pounds after quitting due to their decreased metabolism that...