Its funny how you dont notice a certain part of your body until it starts giving you problems. Imagine this, you use your arms everyday and connected to your arm is your shoulder which mostly moves with your arm.
Now all of a sudden somewhere along the line you hurt your shoulder. Youre not exactly sure when or why, but something is different. A nagging pain is nibbling on your nerves and you can barely pick up your fork to take a bite of your supper.
Sounds familiar?
We only notice that we cant be without the functionality of a certain part of our body as soon as that part of our body starts acting up.
When it comes to the subject of shoulder problems, many a person will tell you about the pain and suffering that their shoulder problem caused them. According to research it seems that shoulder problems are common in the general population, with up to 47% of adults complaining about their shoulder/s.
Before going for surgery, many will go to physical therapists to help them sort out the problem. Effective methods used to help alleviate shoulder pain include anti-inflammatory medications or pain medications, cortisone injections are also...