I have been interested in the topic of healing for nearly 40 years. I have seen people get healed in the hospital and in the living room. I have seen healing happen with medically prescribed remedies, with natural remedies, and with no remedies at all. I have also observed through the years failure in receiving healing from any and every method tried. It was all of these observations, along with discussions with those in the medical profession, and most importantly my study of Scripture, that led me to writing a book about healing a couple of years ago.
God does heal it is all over the pages of the Bible! So then why doesnt everyone receive the healing that they need? That really is the right question. That is also a great secret in receiving healing, because in asking that question one has moved from wondering if God can and does heal to finding out how to receive what is truly available from Him.
By taking the time to closely examine records in the Scriptures that deal with healing a number of things become obvious. First, healing from the power of God is available. Secondly, healing from God is not limited to a certain group of people, nor a certain...