If you talk to any computer lover the chances are high that he or she will be able to explain to you all of the parts of their computer and the way each thing works. You can easily find yourself in a long conversation about details of computer programs and issues that you never wanted to know. Or sit down with a man who loves his vintage car and you will learn things about the function and care of each part of his prized possession. If you think about it, the parts of a computer or of a vintage car are sort of like anatomy. I’m always a little surprised when someone knows exactly where the spark plugs on his car are but cannot name me the location or use of his gull bladder.
You see, humans have an anatomy too. Perhaps you haven’t thought about your anatomy since high school science class. I think the norm for most people is to go about living every day using our bodies without every really knowing much about them. Doesn’t that seem strange to you? We do not bake a cake without taking note of each ingredient that we’re adding yet we do not have any clue about the ‘ingredients’ that make up our anatomy.
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