A monthly period is not the only event a woman anticipates in her everyday life. Along with the regular monthly cycle comes other occurrences such as menstrual pains or cramps that can be severe or intolerable. It is no wonder that women with severe cramps regard their monthly period with so much dread.
Menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, are one of the most common health care problems that women suffer during their reproductive years. It has been estimated that as many as 30 to 50 percent of all women suffer from pain during their menstrual period, with the incidence being highest in younger women, from teenagers to women in their thirties. At least 10 percent of younger women have severe symptoms that some can not do their normal activities anymore. Some have to miss work, school, or other important functions because they can not handle the pain.
A substance called prostagladins are the cause of most symptoms with dysmenorrhea. These are produced by the body and found in the uterine lining. When the lining starts to shed with menstruation, they are released, which will then cause the uterus to contract forcefully, which is the reason for much of the cramping...