Ozone air purifiers have been the cause of much recent controversy. Put forth by many manufacturers as a safe and effective way to remove odors from your home, many brands, including Prozone air purifiers, have come under fire from other authorities on indoor air cleaners, who claim that ozone is unsafe. And, unfortunately for the manufacturers of these ozone air purifiers, it would seem that the evidence piling up against them is rather weighty.
While many of us might not understand the workings of an ozone air purifier, we are all familiar with the term from environmentalists, who have been urging us for years to take steps against the depletion of the earths natural protective shield, the ozone layer. But because this substance is an important part of our planets outer atmosphere, this does not necessarily mean it is suitable for human exposure. And an increasing amount of evidence suggests that this is an argument in which ozone air purifiers should lose.
Ozone, used in indoor air cleaners like the Prozone air purifier, has a scientific formula similar to the oxygen that we require to survive: it is O3 to oxygens O2. But what might be a subtle numerical...