Depression can be a nasty thing to live with, driving some people into the depths of despair and right into their own makeshift hangman’s noose. Others don’t quite get that desperate, but generally see very little point to staying alive and finding joy in anything nonetheless. The use of of a prescription antidepressant, or even one that’s over-the-counter, is supposed to help alleviate those woes and help the patient get back into a more normal frame of mind. The fact that these medications work is a good thing, no matter what the Church of Scientology and Tom Cruise have to say about them (and psychology in general). However, like any good thing, having too many prescription antidepressant medications in your system at any given time can cause side effects.
Now, side effects generated by a drug like a prescription antidepressant usually take form outside of physical signs. The drug affects the chemical balance of the brain that regulates mood and emotions, so it is expected that having too much of the drug’s active ingredient in the system would result in changes to mood and emotional stability. For the most part, the most physically overt side...