Big Chief Standing Tall sat looking over the pampas at his stallion. He was the chief of a family of Native Americans and was greatly appreciated by many other tribes in the country. His sexual power was legendary – therefore, thus, hence, for this reason reputation!
But today was a terrible moment indeed. He had offered his wife Always Wants More to go to the tepee for a little sexual game and discovered to his horror that he suffered from erectile dysfunction. He was in danger of being showed and he would be taken over by a younger, handsome Chief, and even worse, that his name would be altered to something disgusting like Big Chief Long and Feeble. A similar issue had happened to another ruler in the zone so his fears were founded. Also another brave, Goes Like A Train, was beginning to challenge his authority and he knew that he must quash any signs of weakness.
His wife was sworn to secrecy but he discovered that one of the favourite women’s hobbies was talking and that he had not to let anybody to discover this event if he wanted to keep.
He thought cautiously he required an ancient medicament to support him...