Steroid abuse is the problem that is deep-entrenched in the society. There are volumes of people using steroid wrongly for wrong purposes, which is steroid abuse. Steroid abuse has contributed a great deal making steroids one of the most controversial drugs of recent times.
There is a wide rage of anabolic steroids available in the forms of pills, injection, creams, and gels. Steroid abuse widely goes on in several strata of society. Often steroids are taken as dietary supplements without prescriptions. These dietary supplements are freely available at health food stores, over the internet, and through mail orders.
Steroids are often used by bodybuilders, weightlifters, athletes, and other sports persons to increase their performance levels, strength, and stamina. Oft, steroids are used by young boys, girls, and models for figure maintenance, weight control, beauty care, cosmetic reasons. On the whole, steroids are widely used without prescriptions, by school-age children, business professionals, school-college-university level athletes & sports persons, etc.
Steroid abuse has earned lots of infamy for steroids. Steroid abuse has actually dwarfed...