People buy videos since they are considered to be classics: chances are such films will never be made again which makes them works of art. Sports lovers feel the same and buy them as memorabilia.
There are some people that would rather watch an event at home than play the game. Many do this with sports videos about basketball, wrestling and the ultimate fighting championships that consider memorabilia. Collectors who love to borrow or buy such videos claim that they are better than the real thing.
Videos are not only there to entertain, they can be used to teach new players how to play the extreme sport of paintball. The event venues are often the same year after year and many times an upcoming event will played in the same venue which could help prepare a team for an upcoming match. It may also show how other teams performed in that venue and what weaknesses can be exploited to assist in winning a particular game.
Since videos of paintball are usually not found at the local store, searching the web is a useful alternative. With the growing number of people who are interested in this sport as well as the number of organizations that sponsor such events,...