Nature trips have always been popular with people. Being in the great outdoors is considered to be a nice way to spend one’s time. Far from the hustle and bustle of life in an urban environment or even life in a community can often be the best way for someone to fight off anxiety. Some natural scenes or sounds produce a calming effect on the mind, helping ward off problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. However, what constitutes a good nature trip that can help fight off the pressures of modern human civilization might differ from person to person. Factors such as the degree of isolation and the general state of the scenery in the area might be important considerations, along with the patient himself. A man who grew up in a harsh desert climate is less likely to find an arid, dry landscape as comforting as a lush garden.
Waterfalls are usually seen as being very relaxing and good for fighting anxiety, provided the patient is at the bottom and at no risk of joining the water as it falls. Calm forest scenery has also been cited as being very soothing, particularly if accompanied with the stereotypical sounds of a babbling brook. Sometimes, the sunrise has...