The Complexity of Autism and Issues in Diagnosing the Syndrome Part I
Autism has drawn the attention of many medical scientists throughout the course of history. Fascinated by the various levels of impairment determined by this complex neurological disorder – behavioral, emotional, communicational and cognitive, scientists have tried to clarify the notion of autism and its revealing signs. The most exhaustive research conducted upon this type of disorder belongs to Leo Kanner, an Austrian psychiatrist that focused on the study of autism and other related disorders. Kanner was the first scientist to establish an elaborate description of the disorder which he referred to as a syndrome.
In the 40s, Kanner came up with a clear model of diagnosis for autism, based on various experiments and elaborate research. Although Kanners model of diagnosis is relevant and complete, nowadays it can also be confusing in the process of diagnosing autism. Therefore, various contemporary medical scientists had focused their careers on improving the model of diagnosis introduced by Leo Kanner, clarifying certain obscure aspects that he presented in the past.
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