American Civil Liberties Union At Issue: Should Abortion Rights Be Restricted? Auriana Ojeda
Greenhaven Press 2003
A woman’s decision whether or not to bear a child is one of the most intimate and important decisions she will ever make. Like decisions about contraception, marriage, and child-rearing, the decision to continue or to end a pregnancy is protected from government interference by the U.S. Constitution. Securing full reproductive freedom for all women, regardless of age or economic status, remains among the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) highest priorities.
The long march toward reproductive rights
The road to a woman’s right to choose has been a long and arduous one. Although abortion was not a crime in this country until the mid-1800s, by the century’s end, it was banned in every state. By 1930, an estimated 800,000 illegal abortions were taking place annually, resulting in 8,000-17,000 women’s deaths each year. The terrible suffering of tens of thousands of women and their families from botched, back alley abortions moved early reformers like Alan Guttmacher to call for legalization....