One of the most important parts of the human body is the back. When your back starts to give out on you – either through various ailments or through sheer old age – it’s time to get some serious help because once your back goes dead, you’re only a little bit better than a doorknob.
One particular back-related problem is Scoliosis, a condition that involves complex lateral and rotational curvature and deformity of the spine. It occurs relatively frequently in the general population, the gravity depending on the magnitude of the curve of their spine. It is typically classified as being congenital (since birth) or idiopathic (developed through an unknown cause), or as having been developed secondary to another condition.
Scoliosis due to bone abnormalities present at birth involving either failure of formation of a vertebra or separation of adjacent vertebrae. It is the abnormal development of the spine resulting in a missing portion, partial formation, or lack of separation of the vertebra that originated since birth. It is detectable only if an x-ray was taken of the child upon birth or his body is evidently crooked. The most common...