In todays life style of the human being, depression is a very familiar disorder. It is affecting every eighth man and every fourth woman. Many of us are unaware of the symptoms of depression which includes feeling of desperation, compulsive negative thoughts, increased or decreased appetite, insomnia or an increased need for sleep, being apart socially, frequent irritation, loss of memory and low concentration, interest towards suicide and death. It is good to think that depression is sadness and the causes of depression will vanish as a consequence negative feeling will subside. However, never take the causes of depression very easily. It may get worsen as it is not cured on time. It should be under periodic surveillance.
It is assumed that the causes of depression are 40 – 70% hereditary and it also seen in some cases that person under depression have the child with depression disorder also. This means that the potential for depression lies in the persons genetic organs. The depressed parent are often seen lacking energy to reproduces child and it is the matter of depression only as it has great influence on reproduction. It is totally against the nature of...