When you have decided you want a baby, get your body ready:
* Take folic acid in supplement form, 400mcg a day, or it can be found in some foods like cornflakes.
* Cut down on your caffeine intake.
* If you’ve come off the pill, there’s some dispute about how long you should wait before trying to conceive, but it’s probably best to wait 2-3 months.
* The man should take zinc supplements to increase the strength and numbers of his sperm
* He should also increase his vitamin D intake – drink milk.
* Cut down on alcohol. Even 2 pints per day will, on average, reduce your baby’s weight by 6.5 ozs.
* Stop smoking. Just one more reason to do so!
* Keep the sperm cool – ideally 2-3? cooler than the rest of the body. Avoid tight underwear and tight jeans. Try boxer shorts, they may not be the latest in designer chic, but they help the testicles to stay away from the body and stay cooler.
Have sex at the right time…. and frequently. To stand a chance of conceiving, live sperm has to fertilise an egg at the time of ovulation – usually around day...