It is a must to act now. You may be in a very tough situation today. Being an adolescent is not easy. This is the time when you experience a lot of pressure from people around you. You begin to explore things you hardly know about and you often drift away from your family. If you dont like whats happening and you feel that there is a need to change your ways, then you should be involved in Catholic youth group activities.
Well of course, you have to be a Catholic so that there will be no conflicts with regards to faith and beliefs. But anyway, Catholic youth groups are open to all teenagers who want to be nearer to Jesus Christ and His righteous ways.
So why choose to become a member of a Catholic youth group now? Perhaps youre already aware that the world is filled with a lot of temptations; temptations that can wreck your life forever. If you dont want to end up like all the others, you must choose a youth group now. That way, you will grow with faith in the Lord through the various experiences that will soon come your way.
As a member of a Catholic youth group, you will be able to experience Jesus Christ in strangers and friends. Through acts of...