For those watching their waistlines, the holiday season can be a truly stressful time. However, there’s some good news – most people don’t gain as much during that time as they might think. But, the bad news is that the weight gained during the festive season turns into an unwanted gift that can’t be returned.
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health and the Medical University of South Carolina studied 195 people and found that nearly a year later 85% of the participants still had not lost that extra weight. That means that even if you only gain two pounds during the holidays, that if you consistently do that year after year you’ll be 10 pounds heavier in just five years! The study also found that overweight and obese participants gained the most weight during the holiday study compared to others.
Don’t worry, it’s not necessary to hibernate during the festivities in order to avoid packing on the pounds. There are reasonable ways to alter your behavior so that you can still enjoy yourself without becoming an unofficial member of the holiday weight gainers club.
. Strive for five-a-day. Ensure that you...