Do you have one of those really big, filthy, completely disorganized cleaning jobs to get after? It it that one client you really dislike? Worse yet, is it your house?
Either way, you can tackle it quickly and efficiently is you are organized and know “how” to approach cleaning a big job, room by room and through each room. Here’s how!
First, make a checklist. Put on there everything you need to do. If it looks to long just keep adding items. Take it with you in your pocket to every room and a pencil, too. The idea is to cross off everything you finish so you get a great sense of accomplishement as you move through the house. It also reminds you of things you might forget so you never have to go backwards.
Always start at one end of the house and work your way to the other. If its multiple stories start at the top and work your way down. If its one level, start in the bedrooms and work you way to the kitchen.
In each room, always clean top to bottom. Start at the ceilings with cobwebs and spider webs and work your way down the walls, windows and to the floors.
Wash walls, windows and then vacuum. After vacuuming dust....