Jupiter Microlite – the facts you need to know
When you by a Jupiter MicroLite Water Ionizer you will be taking the first step towards inaugurating the harmonizing of your essential internal pH towards its suitable level. The Jupiter MicroLite Water Ionizer has all of the positive characteristics of the trendy products that are presently being shown all over the place.
The Jupiter MicroLite has all of the positive attributes of its precursors, the Jupiter Masterpiece and Jupiter Mavello. This design for this unit has been renovated to be more competent and easier to use. The Jupiter MicroLite also contains the revolutionary BioStone Far Infrared filter which is seen as the biggest advance in the construction of electronic water ionizers in years.
The water which you are currently getting from the tap is teeming with an array of harmful living and non-living matter, and it is dead in an energetic sense due to its lengthy enclosed passage from the reservoir to your home over the mediums of steel, plastic, concrete and copper pipe. The work of your Jupiter MicroLite is to revitalize your water and to restore life to it.
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