Most rural homes are not connected to a mains sewage system. These homes rely on a self-contained sewage treatment plant called a septic tank.
If you have a septic tank, or are considering the purchase of a home with one, there are life-saving facts you need to know about septic tanks.
A septic tank takes the sewage from the house, the solids settle out and grease floats to the top. Between the two layers is a clear watery layer that is piped away to an absorption area where it is allowed to percolate away, through the soil. Soil bacteria break down any nutrients before the sewage reaches the water bearing rocks, or any streams.
Septic tanks are usually buried in the ground. There are three main types, all of which cause different concerns.
Steel tanks rust, especially when buried in the ground. A steel septic tank can be so corroded that it can lead to someone walking over it falling through and into the tank. The hapless person is suffocated by the methane generated in the tank, or drowns.
Concrete tanks may be damaged internally, leading to permanent and expensive to rectify damage to the absorption drain-field.
The worst tanks are...