Before the vacuum cleaner the simple task of cleaning floors was not so simple. Area rugs would need to be taken outside, hung from posts and beaten by a large wooden beating stick. Floors were swept and the the debris was picked of by hand and then discarded. Today when we vacuum our floors and carpets it usually takes about ten minutes, but before 1880 cleaning carpets and floors was an all day task.
When vacuum cleaners were first invented they did not resemble the vacuum cleaners of today. These first vacuum cleaners were large and heavy and were usually transported from house to house by horse and carriage or were built in the attics of larger homes with a suction system that was run throughout the house. One of the first large vacuum cleaner units was invented by British engineer called Herbert Booth. Herberts invention consisted of a large box with a gas powdered motor that turned large fans to create suction. Long bendable houses were fed through the doors and windows of a house and debris was sucked into the gas powered unit outside. This first vacuum cleaner was large and heavy and required it to be pulled by horses.
The vacuum cleaner as we...