Over the course of a contents life cycle, either prior to, or following publication, the desire to extend the number of viewers of a certain piece of content, may present itself.
When a document exhibits the potential to reach the expanded global community, a Translator, or a team of Translators may become necessary to ensure the content is able to be viewed by the widest possible audience.
The idea of a translator as an integral part of your content management team is one that should be considered carefully. Some questions to consider before making such a decision would include: Is the cost of translating the content feasible?
How does the cost compare to the possible profits? Is translating necessary, in order to reach the greatest amount of potential readers? How will the Content Management Team be able to deal with publication and distribution costs, once the translation is complete?
Will I have the ability to easily update translated versions of the content? What do I stand to gain by having a Translator as part of the Content Management Team? Which languages should I select for the translating process?
The advantages of translating text...