Show-and-Tell in various forms is a popular feature of many preschool classrooms. When you watch children making their presentation you understand the popularity of show-and-tell. Kids love to talk about their interests and passions but they love to share those interests and passions even more.
Kids are all about show. As a parent you know this. We have to demonstrate and lead our children by the hand through every lesson–both big and small.
So why do we so often think it is enough to simply tell our children that we love them? It isn’t enough. Love is the biggest show-and-tell of them all and you need to make it a part of your every day life.
Children do as we do, not as we say, and down the road do we really want our children simply mouthing the word: “I love you” to us as they rush out the door? Or do we want them to show us in many ways?
This is why it is crucial to show your child that you love him.
Hugs and kisses are good. So are tickles and games. My son and I have little bedtime rituals that allow us to show our love for each other.We snuggle for bedtime stories and talk about the day. Then we come up with...