One night I slept off without locking up, Maisky kept watch at the door. Then about 3 AM I was roused from sleep by his loud barking under my bed. I opened my eyes to behold a man right inside my room, and I acted instinctively throwing my reading chair, which was by the bedside, at the intruder. He jumped out the room, and I quickly rushed and pushed the
jam-lock-door to.
Then my heart started to dance to Maiskys frenzy barking. I was almost going into cardiac arrest trying to quieten my dog who by now was bent on not leaving the security of the room. He was very afraid of the intruder whom he believed was out there waiting to get him.
Maiskys barking was so intense, my heart beat synchronized it, sweat poured from my pores like leaking plumbing pipes. Under very severe cardiac pressure, I opened the door and quickly took Maiskys chain, jammed the door back to and then began the labour of getting Maisky out from under the bed. I did eventually, chained him, and the fight to take him outside was not an easy one. My heart beat speed was killing me as it danced to the machine gun rhythm of Maiskys barking.
Then I got the idea of a saving...