One Important Reason Why you should Consider Choosing the Sex of your Baby
All of us have at some point in our lives wished that we could decide with some certainty that we would have the boy or girl of our choice. Gender selection of offspring has been a quest of mankind for ages, not just from the time of the Greeks and the Romans.
Western countries are believed to have spent over a billion dollars in research of this kind. Old wives tales and folklore have thrived on our desire to have the baby of our choice. The ancient Chinese are reported to have devised a system that was some 65 percent accurate.
But first, why would anyone want to choose the gender of ones baby?
Any baby, boy or girl, is a gift of nature, and should be welcome as such?
Over the years, different reasons have been given for preferring a baby of a particular gender.
The most important reason, and the one which I strongly support, for trying to influence the gender of your baby at the time of conception, is medical. Many disabilities are now known to be transmitted across generations through genes. Many of these disabilities are gender specific. For example, a...