There seem to be numerous methods that affiliate marketers use to earn their commissions these days. Adding affiliate links to websites, emails, instant messengers, articles, e-books, pay-per-click ads, banners, and any other form of media are all popular affiliate marketing strategies. Success comes to them when people click those links, get tracked by a cookie uploaded to their computer and then make a purchase from the affiliate programs website. Then the affiliate gets a check in the mail for all the commissions earned.
Recently though, there have been some new affiliate marketing tactics that are creating a bit of a stir in the affiliate marketing communities. It seems that an elite group of marketers are using some questionable methods to increase their commissions that have been labeled as black hat affiliate marketing tactics. So who are these elite, and what are their black hat tactics?
The elite group of black hatters is headed by a sly programmer named John Reel. Hes created a program that cloaks affiliate links like no other link cloaker youve ever seen before. Thats right; this one does a few things differently.
– One of the black hat...