Article directories are popping up all over the internet. You may wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Allow me to ensure you this is a great thing for internet marketers. Below is just a few of the many benefits of submitting articles.
1. The ability to brand your web site business and yourself by submitting articles to article directories. You could include a link back to your web site in your resource box Along with your name and credentials.
2. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to a article directory. They’ll allow their visitors to republish your article on their websites and e-zines. Imagine if you submit your article to multiple article directories. Remember all your articles have a back link to your website.
3. You will be considered an expert on the subject matter of your articles. This will give you and your business added credibility which will help you take on your competitors.
4. Your article may also be placed on the article directory’s home page. Some article directories post new articles on their home page. This will give you some extra exposure.
5. You may get extra...