I am one of many people who have realised the many benefits that writing articles can bring. Article marketing is now widely recognised as an excellent way of promoting a website, however there are many more opportunities out there to make money for the budding writer.
I just happened to stumble across the idea of writing articles around eight months ago when I was discussing different forms of website promotion with a friend of mine. I was looking at ways in which I could attract more visitors to my own sites and he advised me to commence writing articles.
The advice was sound and I have not looked back since. Writing articles is a superb way of gaining extra one-way backward links to your site and the readers of each article are also potential visitors.
I attempt to write around seven articles per week which is not easy at times but is something I am aware will help my sites.
In each article I try to give advice and attempt to make them enjoyable for any potential reader.
There are other ways that people like myself, who enjoy to write can make money from their skills.
Other people are also aware of the benefits of article marketing...