Article marketing seems to be the buzz word in web site marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) lately. I’ve had a lot of people ask me– what exactly is article marketing? Why is it so popular? And how is it done?
Well, the whole point of Internet marketing is to get people to notice your site out of the thousands and thousands of sites out there. There is little point in taking the time and going to the expense of having a business website if no one ever sees it.
So, how do you get people to visit your site? That is where web marketing comes in. Internet web site marketing is a specialization in the marketing industry, who’s whole point is to bring in those “hits” on a website, and with those hits comes profit for the business.
There are a lot of ways that web marketing is done. One of the biggest is search engine optimization or SEO. This is the art of getting the big search engines to notice you, and put your site higher on the list of sites that come up when a person searches for something you sell. SEO can include site design, careful writing and keyword research, and pay-per-click advertising.
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