Proper pricing of items to be listed for sale on eBay is one of the most important aspects of generating interest in ones on-line auction listing.
If the price is too high, interest will be low, and the possibility of a sale decreases.
If the price is too low, the seller generates enormous traffic, yet the final bid might be too low to satisfy the sellers need for a profit.
The following steps will aid in the process of pricing an item for sale on eBay.
Step 1: Determine How Much the Original Item was Worth
First of all, one must find out how much the item cost when it was new. This helps the seller set realistic goals as to how much they can expect to profit when the item is sold.
The seller must remember that the going price for the item in todays market will be different from its original price. And depending on the demand for that item, he may get a price that is better, or worse than the original price.
The seller must also acceptance the fact that the buying power of todays dollar is different from that of ten years ago.
Step 2: Do a Little Research
Sellers should research the current price of similar...