Do you have single or multiple cauliflower-like bumps in the areas of vagina, cervix, vulva, penis or the rectum? Are those signs soft, moist or flesh-colored? If you have this kind of peculiarities, then it is the time to talk to a dermatologist as soon as possible; chances are you might be infected with the HPV. HPV or the Human papillomavirus is very much instrumental for most of the sexually transmitted diseases (STI) in the world.
There are at most 100 kinds of HPV of which only 30 are spread by the sexual contacts. If the warts are not properly cured, the outcome could be drastic. The HPV causes the genital warts with barely any symptom, but just do not get worried. The genital warts, if diagnosed in time, can be curable without any tension so far. The diagnosis is very simple and concise; it involves using the acetic acid to the infected area.
The solution makes the infected area white. The wart becomes visible. Now, it is easier for the health care provider to take a sample tissue from the contaminated zone. That tissue will be further examined under a microscope. Therefore, the examiner can be certain to determine whether it has a cancerous form or...