If you are a business owner, or are contemplating starting your own business, if you don’t have a strategic plan, you are destined to fail. The creation of a effecient and effective business plan can mean the difference between having the need to work 70+ hours a week all year long – only to find out that your business is only just breaking even, or even worse, losing money.. Or being successful.
On the other end of the scale, many successful business owners and entrepreneurs who have created and implemented a business strategy generally work for less hours, and produce a more sizeable income and profit margins. You will also find, that in general, those who are successful with their own business, attribute their success to having a strategic plan.
Ok, we’ve discussed that having a good business strategy plan is essential, but what really is “strategic business management”? In its most basic form, its the process in which the goals and objectives for your business are defined, and an action plan is then created so you may reach your goals and objectives.
You now know what it is. So how do you go about creating a strategic plan...