Thinking about an email newsletter or an online newsletter, and wondering about a template? In the case of a text newsletter, creating or finding a template is quite straightforward.
It’s the basic approach to email newsletters, and easy for just about anyone who can type (even with just two fingers).
This approach works well for newsletters that emphasize content. For example, I’ve written and published Abbott’s Communication Letter online continuously since 1999 and throughout most of its history I’ve used text. I did try HTML formats a few times, but without much success (at least not enough to compensate for the extra time and trouble involved).
With a text email newsletter, you simply need to decide whether you want to distinguish among the sections (for example, editorial content from advertising). If you do want to set the sections apart from each other, simply use one of the common separator techniques (repeating any key that’s not a number or letter).
For example, here’s a space/period/space separator:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And here’s an example using just the plus sign