I love technology. I love all of the ways that technology has made my life easier and more simple. I guess I’m a guy that likes things as uncomplicated as possible, so that is in fact why I have come to treasure the gift that the internet truly is. There are so many ways that the internet has affected my life that I’m not sure where to begin. I guess I’ll share that the internet has affected my relationships immensely and hence my life is different too. One small but significant way that the internet has affected my life is by giving me the ability to send email cards for various occasions.
One of my downfalls is that I’m always the one among my family and friends to forget important days and events in the lives of those that I love. I don’t do this intentionally, but it seems like life gets busy and that sending a card is quite often the last thing on my mind when a special day approaches. In fact, I could probably say that I have forgotten more birthdays and other signficant days in the past twenty years than I have remembered. But not any more. The ability to send email cards has literally transformed my world.
Sending email cards...