Internet Marketing: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Must Have an Online Presence
The Internet has officially changed the face of business and in case no one has done this for you already, let me be the first to formally welcome you to the Information Age, or should we call it the Internet Age.
The Internet is simply not a fad or a flavor of the week. It is the real deal and it is here to stay. It may morph in one way, shape, or form however, it is here to stay and the most successful businesses are taking advantage of it.
So why exactly should you take your business online? Although there are tons of reasons, here are 5 key ones:
1. It is expected. Quite simply, the Internet is one the first (if not the first) places people look to find out more about you, your business, and/or your product. They look for your website as well as information they can find out about you from other websites. Yes, I dare say it, in 99.9% of the cases, it will damage your credibility to some degree with a prospect if you cannot be found out there.
2. It is cheap. Never in history has a marketing medium been available to all businesses, no matter the size of...