A DIY Craft For All Ages – Great Gift Idea Too!
Those wishing to grow indoor herbs, a sill sanctuary filled with flowers or a simple resting place for healthy, veggie sustenance can bank on this craft-idea to bring joy to their homes or that of loved ones (should you wish to gift it).
Heres what you need: a drill machine, a store-bought or home-made window box with drainage provided, drainage tray, sand-paper, compost and soil (or mixture bought from a nursery), favorite seasonal flowers, acrylic white and colored paints, overcoat of clear gloss to hold in the colors, a 2 inch paint brush and turpentine.
Method: Rub the sand-paper over the outside of the window box to smoothen out the rough edges; in smooth strokes, apply the base coat of white paint, wait for it to dry fully before applying a second coat.
When completely dry, paint in colored designs you like hearts, leaves, lattice and stripes are some popular choices and wait for the colors to dry before going ahead with the overcoat of clear gloss. Let dry in sunlight overnight.
Fix the painted window box to your chosen spot by the window after machine-drilling holes into it,...