Harnessing The Power Of Social Book marking To Boost PageRank and Gather A Massive Number of Back links To Your Website
As SEO professionals we are constantly searching for ways to get our sites ranked and indexed better.
We all know that backlinks are “life blood” that get a site ranked higher in the search engines.Black hat SEO experts in the quest to get one way backlinks till now relied on various methods like blog comment spam and referer log spam.The latest technique is using social bookmarking to get one way back links.
What is social bookmarking?
Social bookmarking is utilizing a web service, where users create a public repository of bookmarks pertaining to sites that they like.The concept of social bookmarking dates back to 1996 with the launch of itList.com, followed by services like Blink and Hotlinks and many more. But,the popularity of Social Bookmarking increased with the advent of the most popular bookmarking site till date, del.icio.us.To the uninitated, these bookmarks may seem like geekspeak, but from an SEO standpoint these can build you a massive amount of backlinks which seem tooriginate from authority...