SEO which is commonly known as Search Engine Optimization is meant to increase the visibility of the website. For a commercial website it means a lot. If your website is not getting traffic, means that website is not getting visitors and it directly means that website is not able to sale any thing. Just because a website is not getting visitor it wont be able to fulfill the desire of its owner.
Hence, a website is always requiring visitors and for that we will have to do the search engine optimization of that website, so that visitors can come to the website and we can convert them into customers.
When I first started doing search engine optimization in year 2004, the term SEO was not well known to me. I was not at all aware from it. Like me, there were so many people around me who even dont know what is the word SEO means. Even today some people asks me is it Senior Executive Officer, as if CEO means Chief Executive Officer.
Hence we can say that SEO is not a well known term in India even today, but yes after three years I can see a huge difference. Most of the people who are using internet for any means are a bit aware from it. A few years ago, there were...