If you have a website of your own you should know that you dont get traffic by letting your website just sit where it is. You need to point visitors to your website somehow. There are a myriad of different methods internet marketers use to get people to come to a website. These include and are not limited to, paying to get an ad on another website, pay-per-click advertising, and advertising on an ezine, or an online newsletter with many subscribers. These are all very effective ways to get traffic to your site. The strategies you need to use to make these work well have been discussed over and over again. They are also very expensive in most cases. What I want to discuss is a free way to get tons of targeted traffic.
What I am referring to is search engine optimization (SEO). This is when you change some things about your site to get them as high as you can on a search engine. Have you ever used a search engine? Thats a foolish question because these are used by everyone. When you do use Google or yahoo to find information or products what do you click on? You probably click on the first one on the list. This is because most likely this is the best site of the certain...