Thousands of domain names expire everyday and can be used by others. If you want more traffic or want to resell the domains for profit, these expired ones can be a valuable resource.
An expired domain may have been used by one or more persons in the past. They may have designed a website, advertised it, linked it to search engines, done business deals on it and even had reciprocal link connections with other websites.
Why are valuable domains ever allowed to expire?
Many reasons, including but not limited to:
Not enough funds to renew them
Invalid contact e-mail address
Loss of interest in online world
Closing down of business
Lack of knowledge about value of domain names
Being away at time of domain renewal
There may have been any of the aforementioned reasons or any other cause, but whatever the case, the domain is now an available option for you. You can use it by designing a website on it or divert traffic to your existing website.
The main advantage of taking over an expired domain is the traffic. There may still be visitors who, on finding the better alternative offered by you, can redirect...