Thousands of data are sent and received by users in the Internet every second. Just imagine how web developers manage to handle such large volume of data (with different genre such as music files, PDF, and others). Most of these are data that potential customers are looking for. If you can find the people who are looking for data or information related to your site, you can direct them to your site and increase your web traffic.
The more traffic you get, the better it ius for your site to become successful and profitable.
How can you determine the traffic that flows from a variety of websites? One parameter is by the number of visitors and the number of pages that they view. The website moderator supervises both incoming and outgoing traffic to determine which parts or mostly visitors view pages of it.
Let us say for instance, you have accessed the webpage of a certain site. Maybe you will notice that there is a certain figure in the page that says, Welcome! You are the 999,999th visitor in this site. That is one way the site is determining the traffic in that certain page.
The gathered data in web traffic monitoring help configure sites and...