If you own an online business, you are probably always on the lookout for new forms of Internet marketing. As you have no doubt discovered, there are many different ways to market your business online. One of the best and least expensive is direct email marketing.
Direct email marketing is a simple, but effective form of Internet marketing. It allows you to reach your customers, and provide them with information that you want them to see. Direct email marketing is very similar to classical direct marketing, but is much less expensive because you don’t have to pay for stamps, paper, return envelopes, and printing costs. Yet, at the same time, direct email marketing has all of the benefits of direct mail.
For example, direct email marketing can be used before and after a sale. You can utilize this form of Internet marketing to promote products, provide news, and to send confirmations and thank-you notes. Many of your website visitors will up to sign up for regular emails and offers. Take advantage of their interest and tell them more about your business.
If you don’t have time to send the emails yourself, you may choose to use email...