Bulk email marketing is a way to reach prospective customers and to stay in communication with existing clients. It has become a big business over the last years what is quite justified. Bulk email marketing provides companies and organizations with a great possibility to advertise and sell their products and services. Sending letters to prospects and customers via email is quicker and less expensive than traditional bulk postage mail. Plus, you can easily contact people in all parts of the world and your growing email list will be bringing you more sales. With all that, bulk email marketing has one main disadvantage – unsolicited emails, often labeled as spam. Unsolicited emails are the emails that the recipient didnt request. If one sends the messages to someone else without his permission, those emails are classified as spam. Sending spam can ruin the company’s reputation as people usually blame this type of mail received without their consent.
So, to accomplish a focused, targeted, and effective bulk email campaign that will bring you the results, you should consider some points before implementing it. The key to success is to follow some rules when...