Are You Burnt Out? Then Maybe Its Time To Get Out.
Are you burnt out from your everyday job? Do you have a long commute that has you away from home for two or more extra hours a day? Are you missing
out on activities and functions that were once a large part of your life and who you are?
Have you reached a plateau in your job and know that there is no where else for you to go. No more promotions that come with substantial raises, no
more having to schmooze the higher ups to work your way to the top. Now that you are there, thats it. Do the days look less and less appealing to you know since there are no real challenges for you. Youve made it, what else is there.
Maybe you are tired of the long days a top executive has to put in. Sometimes nine to five isnt in your cards. If you make it home by seven then youve had a good productive day. With a top position come top responsibilities. You may have been up to the challenge in the beginning but are now tired of the burden that befalls you on a daily basis. Are you tired of dealing with staff who show up late or not at all, who do sloppy work, or who cant seem to make a deadline, then...