Ask Yourself One Question! Making Money With Affiliate Marketing Part I
So you have decided to give Affiliate Marketing a try or you are looking at different ways to make money on the internet; either way, I know you have been poking around in the businesses on the internet. That’s the only place you will find this series. So, now that we agree you have been looking for an opportunity, I can imagine you have found a few that interest you. If you have been looking around for more than a few hours, you realize there are some tall promises of making huge money by clicking a few buttons and turning your computer into a cash spewing machine. Well, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it and nobody would be telling you how you could do it; they would be keeping the secrets to themselves. So why then are there so many claims and why are people trying to give them, sell them or otherwise get those ideas into your hands?
Well; you see, my fine Affiliate Marketing friend, YOU, are the reason those ads are out there. It takes you, the customer, to buy into those various different ideas and then part with your cold hard cash to purchase said venture. It is your...