“Simply breathe – deeply and often, and whatever you do, don’t stop breathing!” –Cheryl Lynne Rubbo
In this exercise to strengthen rapport and enhance persuasion, you are going to learn to lead your wealthy clients and prospects with a simple word: breathe. This is something we all do to stay alive, and yet, in essence, you’re going to take credit for this biological function for persuasion purposes.
Pacing and leading with our clients and prospects is an understanding. We understand that the part of the mind that we’re going after is literal, it is childlike, and it does exactly as it is told. Issuing hidden (or not so hidden) directives, embedded commands and firm instructions as a drill sergeant would, allows us access to a place in their minds which wants and needs to be ordered around. This may sound strange, but it is absolutely true.
The unconscious mind is reactive. It’s not intelligent or thinking. It just does what it’s told to do, responds to what it is required to respond to and stores all that we need it to store. A massage therapist I know once told me that as she is working on a...