A great way to get highly targeted traffic plus relevant one-way backlinks to your site is through writing and submitting unique articles. Submitting these articles to free article directories or other websites that accept article submission will reward your website with valuable visits and backlinks.
Your article submission will reap visitors, so make sure you keep your website content easy to read as well as relevant and useful to your viewers. When search engines decide who to give the highest ranks to, they look at and weigh a few different factors. These factors include links, but also content as well. Search engines have a tendency to place the websites with the best content at the top of the rankings list.
The whole reason to submit articles to directories in the first place is to generate a bunch of one way links pointing back to your site, which will in turn increase your daily traffic. Free article directories love your article submissions – if you give them an article/content they reward you with one-way links.
Make sure your articles are as effective as possible. Don’t forget to put your name at the end, and take credit for your...