To save time and headaches it’s important to keep several things in mind when looking for a Web host. First off is cost. It’s easy to be enticed by Web hosts that offer to host Web sites free of cost. However, it is vital to read the fine print to find out what are the hidden conditions.
Typically, free hosting is provided only for a trial period. Don’t sign an agreement without checking for this marketing ploy. Another concern is third party advertising. Many hosting companies make the money to host sites for free by placing ads on each site outside control of the Web hosts.
In case of shared or dedicated hosting it is important to find out whether a host offers a money back guarantee. Also the potential for additional charges on extra bandwidth, disc drive space or email accounts that may be needed for site growth should be investigated. Often, hosting companies charge steep rates for anything that is not part of the basic hosting package, relying upon low initial costs to draw in businesses and recouping the losses when those businesses grow and require additional services.
It is a good policy to read the reviews and customer feedback...