When financial conditions begin to get tough and you find yourself facing difficulty making your payments, you may need to turn to a debt consolidation arrangement in order to ensure that you don’t drown in a sea of late payments and bad debt. Such loans are available, and you may have to decide between an unsecured debt consolidation loan and a loan that is secured by equity in a major asset you own, such as your home or a late model vehicle. Whichever you choose, you should take care to ensure that you have a complete understanding of your agreements and responsibilities.
“We’re seeing more and more people looking at an unsecured debt consolidation loan as a way to help them find a solution to their financial difficulties,” says business writer and financial analyst Carl Walins. “A restructuring of your debt using a loan may be a good choice, but consider the differences between an unsecured debt consolidation loan and one that is secured with something of value, such as the equity in your home. You may find that the loan parameters vary widely, even from the same lender, depending on whether or not you choose a secured or an unsecured...